dear finch monday weekly lottery

dear finch monday weekly lottery

Dear Finch, A Monday Lottery DreamMonday morning. The sun peeks through the blinds, casting long shadows across the dusty bookshelves. Its another week, another chance. Another Monday lottery. Dear Finch,I know, I know. Its a long shot. A pipe dream. But every Monday, I find myself drawn to the lottery kiosk, fingers clutching the ticket with a hope thats both foolish and exhilarating. This week, Im dreaming big. Not just about winning, but about what winning would mean. The freedom to finally pursue that passion project, the opportunity to travel the world, the chance to leave a legacy. But even if I dont win, theres a quiet comfort in the ritual itself. Its a reminder that even on a Monday, theres a chance for something magical to happen. So, heres to this weeks lottery, Finch. Heres to the dream that whispers in the back of our minds, the possibility that lingers in the air. And even if the numbers dont align, theres always next Monday. Yours sincerely,A dreamer.

dear finch monday weekly lottery